Humboldt Womens Massage
Where Women Thrive
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Hello, My name is Jennifer Teixeira owner of Humboldt Women's Massage
I guide individuals in reclaiming their youthful spirit, wellness, and connection to the sacred. Whether you are experiencing chronic pain from an active lifestyle, in pregnancy, menopause, or recovering from hysterectomy or other surgery, I am here to help you so you can feel like yourself again.
Previously known as Jennifersbodywork
Jennifer Teixeira LMT has an NPI number that prints on your email or text receipt.
Heres what folks have been saying about Jen:
"Jennifer’s work will help to release your long held tension in the body, she offers a custom approach to your well being. With a combination of hands-on energy work and therapeutic deep tissue Massage; she will help you feel your best and live your best life." Ariel
"The best Massage of my life!" Janice
"Jennifer has this healing, grounded touch that gets deep into my knots. She used hot stones that melted away my tension. I liked her energy and how she used Lomi Lomi techniques to get rid of the pain. I have gone back to see her several times and will go again." Heather K.
"Jennifer has given me multiple massages over the past 15+ years, and every single one has been amazing! She is the best massage therapist I know, and my only regret is that we live so darn far away now. I'm literally going to fly her out to me for massages because she's that good!" Metzalli

Deep Tissue Massage
Lomi Lomi
Intuitive Bodywork
Balance Your Life​
Pregnancy Massage
Natural Healing
“You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life?”
3034 Suite C H Street
Eureka, California
In the Mending Roots Therapies Building
Or email Jennifer at