As a woman who has been pregnant and given birth, I can tell you, each pregnancy is different, each delivery is different and the circumstances during which a person is pregnant may vary.
There is this misconception that you cannot get work done on the ankles, wrists or low back due to the prevalent thought that massaging these areas will induce labor. Trust me, This is not even remotely true. It is not. But don't we wish.
Giving birth is one of the most intense experiences a person can have in their lifetime, and the process of being pregnant is not for the weak. If you felt weak before the pregnancy, you will soon learn that you are capable of much more than you think.
When you are pregnant, you are not fragile. Let me repeat; When you are pregnant, you are not fragile.
BUT, it is a painful journey, particularly in the 2nd to last trimester. You may experience body aches as your uterus expands and your hips begin to prepare for giving birth. You can no longer sleep comfortably for long periods of time as you cannot get in a comfortable position for more than an hour or two. You may need to rely on others to help with some Heavy lifting and of course bending down to pick up something off the floor. You are already carrying weight, all day and night, and it is very important to have your helpers identified and it may be up to you to delegate tasks when you see someone else not pulling their weight.
During my first pregnancy, I was about 8 months along when the pain in my hips had become so intense, that I could barely walk. I Hobbled in pain to a friend from Massage School and she offered me a one hour deep tissue massage on my hips. The massage was deep and even a little painful, but I knew it would help.
The next day, I could walk, I felt like I could even run or jump. From that experience as a pregnant woman in dire need of being able to walk and get to work, I have learned so much about needing a therapist who has the skills to successfully work in all terms of Pregnancy without fear.
My problem had been that the veins in my pelvis had swollen due to pressure, and the blood had pooled up in those veins causing what made me feel boggy and stiff. (Think of how hemorrhoids form, with the vein bulging and causing pain due to pressure) When you are pregnant the veins in the hips naturally enlarge, and sometimes when there is pressure it will cause this boggy painful feeling and inside your hip/s will swell up.
If you are looking for your own Maternity Massage Specialist and you are in Eureka, California you can click here to begin your healing: BOOK NOW just click the Nurturing the Mother Massage to get started.
