My Booking page has shifted!
Hello, Its been a while since I have posted a blog, but summertime usually has me outside gardening or otherwise not being on a computer!...
My Booking page has shifted!
Saint Johns Wort
Rituals of Restoration
Spa Week in New Mexico
Spruce Infused Oil
Why It's Time to Recognize Massage Therapy as a Legitimate and Valuable Profession
Healing Touch a poem for you.
The Power of Solomons Seal in Promoting Healing and Wisdom
Massage can help collagen formation
Relaxation and Renewal
Creative people are stressed out.
Every Shape, Every Size
Massage and Cancer
The Benefits of Frequent Massage and Bodywork
ABMP Membership
Bowl of Light
Creating a deeper connection to body with plants and chants.
You are 100% in charge of your energy, time and attention.
March at Mending Roots
What is my Effective Massage?